Be faithful in little things

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If you can write a letter, you can write a word. If you can write a word, you can write a sentence. If you can write a sentence, you can write a page. If you can write a page, you can write a book. If you can write a book, you can publish a library. Nothing is so big that we can never accomplish with little steps. If you care to know, anyone who can strike the axe every day will bring down so many trees within his lifetime. What are you waiting for? You can’t do it big at once; little steps lead to great accomplishments. Be faithful in doing it the little way. However, try every possible means to be consistent in doing the little things repeatedly.

  • If you can’t manage little things, you can’t be trusted when big things are handed over to you.
  • Don’t underrate the power of little things. Big oceans are made up of many tiny droplets of water.
  • The more faithful you are with little things, the greater you will show faithfulness when you are in charge of big things.

Matthew 25:23 reads; “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things. I will make you a ruler of many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.” Yes. What opens a great door is just a little key.

No gift or talent is too small to be rejected. No opportunity is too tiny to be overlooked. If big forests can start with tiny seeds, you will grow great with every tiny method you take and repeat over time. Make it happen.

_______ Israelmore Ayivor
(Inspirational Writer, Blogger and Speaker)

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Be enthusiastic all the time

101 Key, Israelmore Ayivor 9Enthusiasm may not get you to your destination immediately; but it will surely make you closer to it today than you were yesterday. Anybody who is enthusiastic is found going forward no matter how tough it gets. If you are having great visions without enthusiasm, you are like a brand new car without fuel; you can’t move. Even, the most wretched and oldest vehicle with fuel can make movements you can’t beat. Enthusiasm is the fuel; you can’t move on to the zenith of your accomplishment without it. Don’t do anything you are not passionate about. If worst things happen, your passion for what you do will keep your enthusiasm alive.

  • Don’t wish great things happen in your life. Go out and make great things happen in your environment.
  • If there should be many friends you should stay away from this year in order to go far, begin with people who lack enthusiasm.
  • Never be around lazy people often. When their laziness attitude scorches you, it destroys your in-built enthusiasm.

Mary Kay Ash announced; “A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one.” When there is enthusiasm, there is progress. When progress is made in the right direction, success will definitely be born.

Don’t just dream big dreams; wake up and take big actions too. Dream the kind of dreams that will excite you to move into action. Remember, it is not only about dreaming wild dreams. It is about being wild about your dreams. Be enthusiastic about being on the right track and moving from average to excellence.

_______ Israelmore Ayivor
(Inspirational Writer, Blogger and Speaker)

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Be committed and disciplined

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Success does not come by accident. Success is deliberate; those who want to achieve greatness have to dream it, plan for it and work it out. The twin factors that put you behind your dreams are your commitment and discipline. Commitment keeps you attached to your dreams and no matter how tough it gets, you will never think of giving up. It chains you to your responsibilities and takes you far to distances you would not go with laziness. Discipline guides you to avoid compromising. It links you to do something specific and avoid everything in general.

  • A disciplined person avoids bad attitudes and will never tolerate habits that distract and destruct his brand.
  • Be discipline and choose friends carefully. No matter how their actions entice you, if they will not help build you up, you must avoid them.
  • Be committed to your plans and discipline yourself to wake up early and work on them. Laziness glues you to bed while discipline keeps you up and going.

Jim Rohn expressed; “Discipline is the bridge between goal and accomplishment.” Yes. Only commitment to excellence will produce successful people.

How far will you go with your dreams? Will you give up when all seem gloomy? Will you move when the future appears foggy? It takes people who dare to risk the unknown and stay on to get it known to change the future.

_______ Israelmore Ayivor
(Inspirational Writer, Blogger and Speaker)

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Be bold and bloom

101 Key, Israelmore Ayivor 7

When you stop being afraid of the horrible sight of the shore, you will cross over every trouble ocean of life with dignity. Boldness does not only keep you up for difference. It gives you speed for success and takes you through extra miles for excellence. Boldness is a warning that keeps your challenges kneeling; it is the reason why will go extra miles to do extra things even at extra times. Be bold and bloom, be courageous and carry on. If you fear taking risks, you will not achieve anything new. If you are afraid to dare, you will always dwell on past glories. People are in detention for life because they never know courage is here to bail them out. Don’t be a prisoner with your mind. Be courageous and gain freedom to bloom.

  • When you hoist your flag of determination high, negativity shall bow for it in shame.
  • There is no cure for indifference than the boldness to step up someday and keep being up to something.
  • Just like the petal which attracts the pollinator to the flower, your courage will attract many opportunity to you.

Isaac Newton opined; “No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess.” Be bold in everything you do; making a norm, going through a storm, and also when going to perform. Be bold always. If you can be bold always when on the run, you will make difference even when taking a rest. Bold venture gives multiple successes. Your obstacles are big walls with weak foundations. When you throw a bold blow, they’ll bow and your will bloom. Go and make it happen.

_______ Israelmore Ayivor
(Inspirational Writer, Blogger and Speaker)

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Be above limitations

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You may not have the power to control whatever happens to you, but you have the power to stop it from affecting your sense of style. If you care to know, majority of successful people in the world were all struck by limitations in one way or the other. What made them great isn’t the absence of limitations; but it was their persistence to rise in the face of those limitations. Life’s failures are people who encounter limitations just as successful people encounter, and then allow those limitations to make them victims. You can’t afford to remain under the spell of limitations and live average life. You may not be able to stop the bird from perching on your head, but you can stop it from making nest on it.

  • You don’t sink by falling into the river. You sink by remaining under it.
  • We have a positive power of choice and this is tool we should use to carve greatness out of challenges.
  • There are lots of opportunities in limitations, but it takes a positive mindset to recognize them.

Charles Swindall opined; “Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it.” Your reactions will determine your celebrations.

If you fall, don’t cry, rather try…. Try to rise above what pushed you down and you’ll be out of its reach next time. Don’t lose the positive power to make right choices that will convert your tears into smiles.

_______ Israelmore Ayivor
(Inspirational Writer, Blogger and Speaker)

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Be a change maker

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There are three categories of people exist in the world; “the wanters”, “the wishers” and “the makers.” The wanters want something great to happen, but they don’t know how it should happen. They think it is the job of someone to make it happen. The wishers wish something should happen. They know it is possible by them, but they believe it can only happen tomorrow and not today. The makers believe change is coming and they stand up to prepared, fight and work for it. Change makers never give up. They never slow down. They never shift to tomorrow what they can do today. They don’t think change making is someone’s job, but theirs to fulfill. They take responsibility and face challenges. They take risks and are ready to die for excellence than to give excuses and live for mediocrity. Those who make it happen never like to do a half job. They go extra miles to do extra things even at extra times.

  • Don’t be convinced to go for the less of yourself.
  • Don’t go for good or better; the best is yours; go for it.
  • Stop waiting and start working. Stop wishing and start walking.

Michael Jordan agreed that; “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen; others make it happen.” Wishes don’t change the world. Only actions will do that job.

Don’t sit at home and wait for mango tree to bring mangoes to you wherever you are. It won’t happen. If you are truly hungry, go out of your comfort zone and change the world.

_______ Israelmore Ayivor
(Inspirational Writer, Blogger and Speaker)

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Avoid the crowd

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If you want to miss your crown, follow the crowd. If you want to wear the crown, go alone. Those who lift trophies of success are those who do what they do without stretching their necks to see “who else is doing what?” Take your own route, not the route everyone is using or taking. Create your own way; there is always traffic on the common route. Do what is uncommon; do it in the uncommon way. I don’t mean you should reject people in your life. Rather, I entreat you to respect your own unique values and add value to your sense of existence.

  • Don’t depend on someone else’s plumages to define your beauty. You have brighter and beautiful feathers. Just fly with them!
  • Avoid whatever everyone is doing and follow your passion. You cannot be found easily when you mix-up with the crowd.
  • The side of the majority is the riskiest place to throw dirt on your uniqueness.

Mark Twain taught that; “whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” I learnt that popular opinion is not necessarily the right opinion.

The fact that everyone is doing something does not mean that’s right. You can’t colour your world with someone’s paint. Use your own paint; colour your world. People easily get lost when they join the crowd to find pleasure than when they go solo and breakdown on the way. Don’t follow the crowd; you may be missing among them. Go solo. Go wherever the narrow way passes. If possible, go wherever there seems to be no way and create a way.

_______ Israelmore Ayivor
(Inspirational Writer, Blogger and Speaker)

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Ask Why

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Those who are growing great are always asking “why?” If they fail or lose, they ask “why?” If they succeed or win too, they ask “why?” If you win and ask “why?”, you will get answers to how to win bigger next time. If you lose and ask “why?”, you will find answers to how to bounce back and change your horrible story to an honourable glory. In all things, keep asking “why?” and you will keep learning new things that will push, promote, project and make you progress in life. The main reason why we don’t get so many answers is that we ask too few questions. To get answers, ask questions; but to get good answers, ask good questions.

  • If you want wise lessons, ask wise questions. The type of questions you often ask tells the kind of person you are.
  • Too few problems give too few testimonies just as too few questions attract too few answers.
  • The knowledge of “how to do it” is detained in “why should it be done?” If you know the destination, you will find the way. If you found no way, you can create one.

Friedrich Nietzsche said, “He who has why to live can bear almost any how.” If you have answers to the “whys”, it will direct you to the “hows” that is simple!

If you are idle, ask “why?” If you feel like life is boring for you, ask “why?” When you get into a disappointment, ask “why?” Even if you come out of all torment and disturbances, ask “why?” Remember again; don’t take every situation for granted. Whether it is good or bad, it has a good lesson for you. You will get the lesson if only you ask “why?”

_______ Israelmore Ayivor
(Inspirational Writer, Author and Speaker)

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Arrange stepping stones

101 Key, Israelmore Ayivor 2

Don’t neglect any tiny opportunity that comes your way. They will lead you to greater opportunities you have been expecting to win. The great opportunity you are daring to get may not come at once. But it is possible that this opportunity is hidden in the tiny ones you neglect every day. Whatever you have achieved in a tiny way carries the key to open doors for mightier things to happen in your life. Just work hard and be sure that your tomorrow is be better than today.

  • Celebrate your achievements, but never let them sink you into the pool of complacency.
  • Complacent people live only on past glories because they have no present one.
  • Mediocrity is a pit that swallows people who have rested on complacency for long.

Alexander Graham Bell pointed; “The achievement of one goal should be the starting point of another.” The reason why people become successful is that, they take every “today’s victory” as a rehearsal for tomorrows trophy.

If what you have achieved yesterday still excites you than what you have achieved today, one of your legs is still in the sand of the past. Don’t scatter the stones that should give you heights to step on and jump up. Your previous accomplishments should be your stepping stones; you need them to jump up. They should not become beds that should keep you comfortably sleeping. Take your success as the beginning of your journey and you will keep breaking your own records.

_______ Israelmore Ayivor
(Inspirational Writer, Author and Speaker)

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Aim High and Higher

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A man who aims at the sky will rise higher than the tallest mountain. But a man who aims at his ceiling may fall on his carpet. Yes, the higher you aim, the higher you will get. Even if you did not attain the height you aimed at, you will be closer than if you had aimed lower. That explains why the youngest lion is always wilder than the oldest sheep. It found itself in an environment where wildness is highly standardized. Dream big and take bigger actions. Leave no room for mediocrity to operate.  Give no chance for average life to execute its crafty desires.  You can become excellent if your eyes are always fixed on the upward journey. However, if you look downwards, you may defeat your own self.

  • Point the gun upwards. Even if you don’t shoot to the highest heights, you will never shoot your feet.
  • If you stay passionate and committed, mediocrity will never be eager to befriend you.
  • Always think ahead, dream ahead and persevere to go that far. The journey to greatness is not leading to the past.

Less Brown taught; “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among stars.” Dare to be among the greatest. Even if you did not get the best, you will be above the good.

Strive hard to be among the top performers. To do this, create a standard. Go higher than this standard. Set another higher standard; surpass it and repeat the process. You will end up becoming the best version of who you are and there, you become a change maker the world missed for long now.

_______ Israelmore Ayivor
(Inspirational Writer, Author and Speaker)

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